Acupuncture to Fight Hunger

We Are Donating $5 from Every Treatment in October to Heart of Dinner

Friends, if you're like me, you're trying to navigate the constant stream of challenging news and events and want to hear about something truly positive for a change. Just last week, I was reading the news and was incredibly uplifted by an article about Heart of Dinner, a homegrown NYC organization that's committed to ending hunger and isolation for low-income Asian-American homebound elderly. They source, cook, and deliver culturally appropriate meals paired with handwritten letters and illustrations all over the city. (In reality, I started tearing up when I clicked on their website and watched the video about their work.... it's seriously moving!

Thousands of our elderly face hunger every day in New York, and this has been heightened by COVID-19. I can’t imagine being all alone, hungry, and at at risk during this ongoing epidemic. Can you?

For this reason, I am pledging to donate $5 from each acupuncture session in October to Heart of Dinner.

I am incredibly grateful for the ability to learn and practice Chinese Medicine in my lifetime --- a tradition that we all benefit from when we receive acupuncture treatment.

Check out Heart of Dinner and get inspired to donate, volunteer or spread the word, even without receiving a treatment! Small steps to UPLIFT others can beat down the negativity that we are constantly seeing out there.