Stressed? Use This Acupressure Point to Calm Your Mind

Stressed? Use this acupressure point to calm your mind. 

How many times this week have you said, "I'm so stressed"? Maybe it was just once, or perhaps too many times to count. As New Yorkers, we're constantly "on", running from one place to the next, juggling our work and social lives, and dealing with sensory overload (subway performers, anyone?!).

Need to take your stress down a notch? Here's an acupressure point you can use at home, for immediate, natural relief.

What is Acupuncture All About?

As an acupuncturist, one of my biggest jobs is to educate people about this effective and safe form of medicine. Most people don't understand how it works and what it can do for them (or are simply afraid of the idea of needles!), so they shy away from treatment and miss out on acupuncture's amazing benefits.

As you enter the New Year and embrace ways to improve your health, get to know acupuncture a little better! Read on for super interesting facts about this medicine so you're in the know (not only that, you'll have cool fodder for small talk for your next networking event or cocktail party!).

1. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on or near the surface of the skin, called acupuncture points.